Quick Facts on Feral Hogs

Feral hog numbers are on the rise in the United States.  Likewise the problems they cause are also growing.  With attention on this invasive species, many myths are circulating about feral hog history, distribution, biology, and damage.  The following bullets …

Vehicle Collisions with Feral Hogs

Feral Hogs versus Vehicles

Vehicle collisions with feral hogs (also called wild hogs and wild pigs; Sus scrofa) are known to occur in the United States.  As the population size of these animals increases,  the frequency of feral hog-vehicle …

Feral Hog Attacks on Humans

Feral hog (also called wild hogs and wild pigs; Sus scrofa) attacks on people are rare and uncommon.  In the United States, four people have died from feral hog attacks since the late 1800s—three victims were attacked by a …

Food Habits of Feral Hogs

Feeding Behavior

Figure 1.  Composition of a typical feral hog diet.  (Illustration courtesy of Jack Mayer.)

Feral hogs (also called wild hogs or wild pigs; Sus scrofa) are omnivorous and very opportunistic in their food habits.  Their feeding behavior …

Constructing a Feral Hog Snare

Feral hog snares can be a beneficial tool for controlling feral hogs.  They are relatively inexpensive, simple to build with minimal tools needed, and highly adaptable to terrains where corral or box-type traps are not easily deployed. They also work …