White-footed and Deer Mice Damage Management

White-footed and Deer Mice | White-footed and Deer Mice Overview | White-footed and Deer Mice Damage Assessment | White-footed and Deer Mice Damage Management | White-footed Deer Mice Resources | White-footed Deer Mice Acknowledgments | ICWDM | Wildlife Species Information


Damage Prevention and Control Methods


The deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus

The deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus

Rodent-proof construction is the best and most permanent method of preventing rodents from entering homes, cabins, or other structures. White-footed and deer mice require measures similar to those used for excluding house mice. No openings larger than 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) should be left unmodified. Mice will gnaw to enlarge such openings so they can gain entry. For additional information, see the section on Rodent-proof Construction and Exclusion Methods.

Use folded hardware cloth (wire mesh) of 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) or smaller to protect newly seeded garden plots. Homemade wire-screen caps or bowls can be placed over seeded spots. Bury the edges of the wire several inches beneath the soil. Plastic strawberry-type baskets inverted over seeded spots serve a similar purpose.

Habitat Modification

Store foodstuffs such as dry pet food, grass seed, and boxed groceries left in cabins in rodent-proof containers. Mouse damage can be reduced in cabins or other buildings that are used only occasionally, by removing or limiting nesting opportunities for mice. Remove padded cushions from sofas and chairs and store them on edge, separate from one another, preferably off the floor. Remove drawers in empty cupboards or chests and reinsert them upside-down, eliminating them as suitable nesting sites. Other such techniques can be invented to outwit mice. Remember that white-footed and deer mice are excellent climbers. They frequently enter buildings by way of fireplace chimneys, so seal off fireplaces when not in use.

When cleaning areas previously used by mice, take precautions to reduce exposure to dust, their excreta, and carcasses of dead mice. Where deer mice or related species may be reservoirs of hantaviruses, the area should be disinfected by spraying it thoroughly with a disinfectant, such as Lysol or a solution of diluted household bleach (10% bleach to water) prior to beginning any sweeping, vacuuming, or handling of surfaces or materials with which mice have had contact. Use appropriate protective clothing, including vinyl or latex gloves. Contact the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)CDC for current recommendations when handling rodents or cleaning areas previously infested.


There are no methods known for successfully keeping white-footed or deer mice out of structures by means of sound. Ultrasonic devices that are commercially sold and advertised to control rodents and other pests have not proven to give satisfactory control.


There are no materials registered for the purpose of repelling mice from structures. Using mothballs in areas with poor ventilation may pose a risk to the user’s health if the person is exposed to the vapors.

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Anticoagulants. Anticoagulant baits such as warfarin, diphacinone, chlorophacinone, brodifacoum, and bromadiolone are all quite effective on white-footed and deer mice, although they are not specifically registered for use on these species. Brodifacoum and bromadiolone, unlike the other anticoagulants, may be effective in a single feeding. If baiting in and around structures is done for house mice in accordance with label directions, white-footed and deer mice usually will be controlled. No violation of pesticide laws should be involved since the “site” of bait application is the same.

Behavioral differences may result in white-footed and deer mice carrying off and hoarding more bait than house mice normally do. For this reason, loose-grain bait formulations or secured paraffin wax bait blocks may be more effective, since these cannot be easily carried off. Cabins should be baited before being left unoccupied. For further information on anticoagulant baits and their use, see House Mice.

Zinc phosphide. Various zinc phosphide grain baits (1.0% to 2.0% active ingredient) are registered for the control of Peromyscus as well as voles and for post-harvest application in orchards and at other sites. Zinc phosphide is a single-dose toxicant, and all formulations are Restricted Use Pesticides. Follow label directions when applying. There are few damage situations where control of white-footed or deer mice require the use of zinc phosphide.


None are registered for white-footed or deer mice. Because of the species’ habitat, there are few situations where fumigation would be practical or necessary.


Ordinary mouse snap traps, sold in most grocery and hardware stores, are effective in catching white-footed and deer mice. Bait traps with peanut butter, sunflower seed, or moistened rolled oats. For best results, use several traps even if only a single mouse is believed to be present. Set traps as you would for house mice: against walls, along likely travel routes, and behind objects. Automatic traps designed to live-capture several house mice in a single setting also are effective against white-footed and deer mice. They should be checked frequently to dispose of captured mice in an appropriate manner: euthanize them with carbon dioxide gas in a closed container, or release them alive into an appropriate location where they won’t cause future problems. For further details on trapping, see House Mice.

Other Methods

Recent research has revealed the possibility that supplemental feeding at time of seeding can increase survival of conifer seed by reducing predation by deer mice, although the tests were not carried out to germination.

Sunflower seed, and a combination of sunflower and oats, were applied along with Douglas fir and lodgepole pine seed in ratios ranging from two to seven alternate foods to one conifer seed. Significantly more conifer seeds survived mouse predation for the 6- and 9-week test periods than without the supplemental feeding. For further details on the experimental use of this technique, see Sullivan and Sullivan (1982a and 1982b).

White-footed and Deer Mice | White-footed and Deer Mice Overview | White-footed and Deer Mice Damage Assessment | White-footed and Deer Mice Damage Management | White-footed Deer Mice Resources | White-footed Deer Mice Acknowledgments | ICWDM | Wildlife Species Information

Summary of Damage Prevention and Control Methods


Rodent-proof construction will exclude mice from buildings and other structures.

Use hardware cloth (1/4-inch [0.6 cm] mesh) or similar materials to exclude mice from garden seed beds.

Habitat Modification

Store food items left in cabins or other infrequently used buildings in rodent-proof containers.

Store furniture cushions, drawers, and other items in infrequently used buildings in ways that reduce nesting sites.


Not effective.


Naphthalene (moth balls or flakes) may be effective in confined spaces.


Anticoagulants. Zinc phosphide.


None are registered.


Snap traps. Box-(Sherman) type traps. Automatic multiple-catch traps.

Other Methods

Alternative feeding: Experiments suggest that application of sunflower seed may significantly reduce consumption of conifer seed in forest reseeding operations, although the tests have not been followed to regeneration.